Monday, June 18, 2012

Around the world in 210 days AND MORE!

To all of my frequent blog followers, I apologize that I so abruptly terminated my postings.  I did, however, finish my 210 days of traveling around the world.  As some of you may know the end of my travels were a little rough, but I came out alive and that’s all that counts!

As you begin to read this, you are probably asking yourself what has provoked me to write a post? What does the "AND MORE" in my title entail? Well, that is what I am hear to share with you, so read on and you will find out… 

I have decided to embark on another journey this summer.  This time , however, I will not be traveling from country to country to learn about development.  I have been invited to participate in a program this summer, called ThinkImpact Innovation Institute.  This is a total-immersion experiential learning program conducted in rural Africa. As part of this program I will live in a rural community in Ghana, where I will learn about social entrepreneurship through research and exploration.  The ultimate goal is to test and create products and services, which can be managed and sustained locally. In addition to the experiential learning in Africa I will also be completing a curriculum to learn about asset-based community and social entrepreneurship.

This is an opportunity I could not possibly turn down, and subsequently I currently find my self-sitting in the Dallas, TX airport waiting for my next flight.  Today, marks the very start of my latest adventure, an adventure that will have me out of the United States until August 11th.  I will be living with a family in rural Ghana, and therefore as one would assume communication will be limited.  I will, have internet every now and then so please feel free to email me ( and to check up on the status of my trip through my blog!

Thanks friends! I will miss you ALL.
maddie p

 Just so you can visualize where I will be...


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